New Case Study Proves PPPs in the Aging Sector Work!

Cover of New case study on Public Private Partnerships with Aging Sector

New case study proves Public Private Partnerships in the Aging Sector Work! The study focuses on the Nymbl and DRCOG partnerships and provides a roadmap into the longevity market for companies looking to get into aging sector.

Med Tech Offers a Glimpse Into the Future of Aging in Place

Boomers are the first generation to live well into old age with a number of potentially fatal illnesses that would have cut their lives short not too long ago. Thanks to modern medicine, dangerous conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes can be controlled to the point where millions of older adults are living decades beyond the lifespans of their parents and grandparents.

Colorado Can Meet Growing Workforce Demands with Older Adults

Written By: Karen Brown Colorado can Meet Growing Workforce Demands by Keeping Older Adults in the Job MarketStimulus funding provides rare opportunity for the state to help employers ensure jobs are filled with skilled workforce.Top TakeawaysWith a growing aging population and fewer children being born, capitalizing on the experience and talent of an aging workforce is critical to ensure Colorado’s …